Sailing from Port Huron to Bay City Michigan

Wednesday July 13th we started promptly at 7 am and continued our trip up the Detroit River.  We changed pilots that the mouth of the river, and headed out into Lake Huron.  Winds were in the wrong direction so we steamed  up the lake, and at 3pm or so we stopped in the dead calm and let everyone swim.  I took advantage of the calm winds of the day to do my first carefully monitored climb in the rigging.  Got some nice pictures, but it will be a while before I try the upper two sections. It takes quite a bit of strength and agility to move quickly in the rigging. After a fine dinner, the winds started to pick up and Captain Rob ordered a small set of sails set.  The winds continued to pick up and by 11:30 PM we had set all the sails. We have arrived at our rendezvous point for the Tall ship arrival procession this morning ( 14th) and are waiting for the rest of the ships to gather.

View From the Riggin

Looking down at the deck from the rigging.

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One Response to Sailing from Port Huron to Bay City Michigan

  1. marythek says:

    Be careful Dad, that looks very scary!!!! Hop you’re having fun. Love,
    Mary, Cole, and Miles

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